PRInstanreader for Siemens Pocket reader is a Windows program to simply and quickly access Pocket reader data and copy it to the clipboard.
I got a Pocket reader some time ago and thought it to be a very handy tool for e.g. online banking, reading visiting cards or web addresses from newspapers etc., but the supplied software is not designed for quick access. What I wanted was a program which is available all the time and is capable of transferring data from pocket reader to the clipboard with a simple key stroke. That's why I wrote PRInstantreader.
There's no installation required. Simply take prinstanreader.exe and copy it into any directory you want.
program start the program will show up in the system tray.
To activate the program menu click the left mouse button while moving the
mouse pointer over the system tray icon. Edit the program settings after first program start
(especially the COM port setting is important) and you are ready to
go. If you'd like prinstanreader to start automatically at system
startup check the corresponding check box in the settings dialog.
To read data from pocket reader either choose the corresponding menu entry or invoke the Hotkey combination. While reading the system tray will show an animation to indicate reading in progress. When reading is finished the system tray icon will show up again as above and the text from pocket reader is in your clipboard. Change to the application you want to insert the text into and press <STRG> <V> or choose Insert from the Edit menu. You can choose to automatically delete pocket reader memory after reading in the Settings dialog, but be warned that deletion is quite a lengthy process and this might slow you down.
I tested prInstanreader with Windows95, Windows98 Windows NT 4.0 and Windows XP and hope that the settings (especially the COM-timeouts) are suitable for all purposes. But if you do not get good results you can play around with timeout settings. The program uses hard-coded values for the timeout settings by default, but if you add the following values to your registry, prinstanreader will use them instead:
-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\SIEMENS\PReader\ReadIntervalTimeout (default 20)
-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\SIEMENS\PReader\ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier (default 20)
-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\SIEMENS\PReader\ReadTotalTimeoutConstant (default 300)
-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\SIEMENS\PReader\WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier (default 20)
-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\SIEMENS\PReader\WriteTotalTimeoutConstant (default 100)
All these registry values are of type DWORD.
Especially increasing values ReadTotalTimeoutConstant and ReadIntervalTimeout could help, but be aware that increasing those values will make data transfer slower.
PRInstanreader was written in C++. I used Borland C++ Builder 5.0 but since the program is entirely written with the Windows 32 API and does not use any components (except the Standard Template Library) it should be easily portable to any other Windows compiler.
If you like the program, find bugs, have ideas to improve it or want to improve it yourself, use the project's public areas or send me a mail. To protect me from being spammed, I do not publish my E-mail address here. You can find it in the about dialog box of prinstantreader.